Allan Rustad
8/31/2020 6:51 PM
The octagon size looks similar to the wood wheel wrench, but is special for the Buffalo wire wheels, as per Jeff Deringer. However, the wood wheel wrench is a combinarion tool also used to secure and adjust the wheel bearings in Timken axles, front and rear, regardless of wheel type. It is a big cast steel dumbbell shape and the rear axle wheel bearings nuts are octagonal. This wrench is extended to reach into the hub and turn those rear axle nuts. NOTE there is a locking tab washer between the two nuts that is keyed to the stationary axle, and tabs must be pushed back to get the wrench onto the outer bearing nut. This is entirely independent of wire wheel hub nut.
 Jeff Deringer
8/7/2020 10:24 AM
They are usually available on Ebay, just depends on how much you want to pay. It's a Buffalo #6 hubcap wrench. It needs to have the mechanism to unlock the cap. https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/images2/1/0717/19/antique-original-hub-cap-wrench-wire_1_aa1527a1afe6f5ffe763fceba4a30b8f.jpg Good luck!
 Ian Evans
8/6/2020 1:12 PM
I have an extra for wood wheels, is the cap size different?
 Mike Morgante
8/6/2020 12:35 PM
Wire wheels !
 Jeff Deringer
8/6/2020 12:28 PM
Might want to specify if it has wood or wire wheels.
 Mike Morgante
8/4/2020 12:22 PM
Looking for the Hub cap Wrench or Tool Kit for our 1924 Model L.